SaskWater offers support services and 24/7 monitoring for your peace of mind.
Certified Operation & Maintenance
Our team holds diverse levels of certification for water and wastewater systems, and we use that expertise to support customers that own their infrastructure. We contract with 20 communities and rural pipeline groups to provide certified operation and maintenance (COM) of their water and wastewater systems.
Our certified operators supervise several of our services, including non-potable water supply, water and wastewater treatment plants, treated water storage facilities, distribution systems, and wastewater collection and disposal. We can also provide regulatory reporting and consultation, emergency planning, remote monitoring and customer support services. Our team’s broad base of knowledge results in extensive troubleshooting and early problem diagnosis.
Our trained relief operators are available to cover leaves and vacancies for our customers. The services of SaskWater’s certified operators may also be available to communities and rural pipeline groups located near our existing operating centres.
ROAM – Remote Oversight and Monitoring
For customers that want to retain ownership and operation of their systems, we offer ROAM – Remote Oversight and Monitoring to provide continuous monitoring of water and wastewater facilities. Through a partnership with TransGas (a subsidiary of SaskEnergy), we use a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system to remotely monitor 63 SaskWater-and customer-owned water treatment plants, wastewater treatment plants and distribution systems across the province.
With ROAM’s constant monitoring, SaskWater customers benefit from a higher level of service, including the ability to respond proactively to plant fluctuations and troubleshooting, potentially saving time and money.
Water & Wastewater Training
We provide operator training to Saskatchewan First Nations on behalf of Indigenous Services Canada. The training program helps to provide a safe water supply to residents and to safeguard their investment in water and wastewater infrastructure. The program has evolved over the years to suit the specific water and wastewater operational needs of First Nations communities as they adapt to frequently changing technology and increasingly stringent regulatory requirements.
Because of this program, participating First Nations communities have enhanced quality of water and wastewater operations, experience limited service disruptions and threats to public water quality, and have access to emergency technical assistance when required.