
News Releases

Story July 13, 2016

SaskWater Tables 2015-16 Annual Report

SaskWater tabled its 2015-16 annual report with the Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly Clerks office today. Titled Your Partner in Water: Building Infrastructure, the annual report provides an overview of the year’s activities and delivers the Crown corporation’s financial statements. SaskWater reported a net income of $7.4 million for the 15 month period January 1, 2015, to March 31, 2016.

“SaskWater has maintained a focus on successfully growing its business and that is reflected in this report,” Minister responsible for SaskWater Herb Cox said. “They have achieved a sustainable earnings level that has allowed the corporation to pay a dividend of $1.9 million for the first time since becoming a commercial Crown corporation.”

Highlights of SaskWater’s activities in 2015-16 included:

  • Paying a dividend of $1.9 million to the province, the first since becoming a commercial Crown corporation.
  • Delivering 55.7 billion litres of potable and non-potable water.
  • Replacing five bridges on the Saskatoon Southeast Water Supply system canal.
  • Substantial completion of the three-year build of the Zelma East pipeline project to provide non-potable water for BHP Billiton’s Jansen mine. The pipeline is 92 km. 
  • Providing water services to 63 communities, nine rural municipalities, 85 rural pipeline groups, 16 industrial and approximately 236 commercial and domestic end-user customers.

SaskWater's annual report is available online at

SaskWater is Saskatchewan’s commercial Crown water utility, helping communities, First Nations and industry gain access to reliable and professional water and wastewater services.


SaskWater tables 2015-16 annual report

The Saskatchewan Water Corporation (SaskWater) is Saskatchewan’s commercial Crown water utility, helping communities, First Nations and industry gain access to reliable and professional water and wastewater services.

SaskWater provides professional water and wastewater services to 63 communities, nine rural municipalities, 85 rural pipeline groups, 16 industrial and approximately 236 commercial and end user customers. SaskWater serves approximately 74,000 people in Saskatchewan.

The corporation owns eight water treatment plants, three wastewater facilities, 39 pump stations, 140 kilometres of canal and approximately 935 kilometres of pipeline. SaskWater also maintains 13 customer-owned systems. In 2015-16, SaskWater provided operator training to 29 Saskatchewan First Nations communities.

SaskWater’s core lines of business are: potable water supply, non-potable water supply, wastewater treatment and management, certified operation and maintenance (COM), project management, water and wastewater training, remote monitoring, and leak detection.

In 2015-16, SaskWater:

  • Delivered 8.7 billion litres of high quality drinking water
  • Delivered 47 billion litres of non-potable water
  • Received and treated 1.3 billion litres of wastewater

Partnering with TransGas (a subsidiary of SaskEnergy), SaskWater uses a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system to remotely monitor 55 SaskWater and customer owned facilities across the province 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

For more information contact:
Courtney Mihalicz
Senior Consultant, Corporate Communications
Phone:  (306) 694-3940
Cell:  (306) 630-8441