Customer Service

Advisories & Service Bulletins

Water Advisories
Precautionary Drinking Water Advisory (PDWA)

PDWAs are issued by the Water Security Agency in consultation with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health when there is a possibility that problems with the water supply system may exist, although an immediate public health threat has not been identified.

PDWAs for SaskWater systems are most frequently issued during service and maintenance repairs that require the system to be depressurized for more than two hours. PDWAs issued under these circumstances are a precautionary measure because the quality of water cannot be verified while the system is depressurized. While a PDWA is in effect, users should follow the guidelines for drinking water use and consumption outlined in this Sample PDWA Notice

Once issued, PDWAs remain in effect until the system work is completed and two lab tested water samples, taken 24 hours apart, confirm that the water quality meets regulatory standards.

Emergency Boil Water Orders (EBWO)

EBWOs are issued by local Health Regions in consultation with the Water Security Agency when a threat to public health from contaminated water exists. Water delivered from the supply and distribution system must be boiled at a rolling boil for at least one minute before using to ensure bacteriological safety.

An EBWO remains in effect until necessary actions and/or improvements have been made to ensure a safe supply of water is being delivered, which is determined by laboratory testing.